Top 10 Things To Keep In Your Car During Summer: Beat The Heat!

Summer is here, and scorching temperatures can turn your car into an inferno. But fear not, fellow drivers! With a few clever summer car accessories, you can transform your vehicle into a cool and comfortable haven. Here’s our list of the top 10 must-haves to keep you cruising comfortably this season:

Windshield Cover 

Protect your car’s interior from the sun’s harsh rays with a windshield cover/sun shades, when parked. This simple accessory reflects sunlight, keeping your dashboard and seats cooler.

Cooler Box/Car Fridge 

Pack chilled drinks and snacks for road trips or keep picnic provisions fresh with a cooler box or car fridge. Perfect for keeping cool and avoiding meltdowns (both literal and metaphorical) on a hot day.

Insulated Water Bottles 

Stay hydrated throughout your journey with a reusable insulated water bottle. It will keep your water icy cold for hours, even under the summer sun.

Solar Fans 

summer car accessories

Power up some fresh air with solar fans. These nifty gadgets harness the sun’s energy to keep you cool without draining your car’s battery.

Window Curtains 

Block out the sun’s glare and heat with window curtains. This not only keeps the car cooler but also protects passengers, especially children, from harmful UV rays.

Dashboard Cover 

Prevent your dashboard from cracking and fading due to sun exposure with a dashboard cover. It also adds a touch of style to your car’s interior.

Steering Wheel Cover 

A hot steering wheel can be unpleasant to the touch.  A steering wheel cover provides a layer of insulation, keeping your hands comfortable even on the hottest days.

AC Vent Cup Holder 

summer car accessories

Make the most of your car’s air conditioning with an AC vent cup holder. This handy accessory directs cool air towards your drink, keeping it refreshingly cold.

Cooling Cushions 

Beat the seat heat with cooling cushions. These gel-filled or ventilated cushions provide a comfortable and refreshing driving experience.

Portable Humidifier 

Dry air from the AC can be dehydrating. A portable humidifier adds moisture to the car’s interior, making those long summer drives more comfortable.

Bonus Tips:

summer car accessories

Consider investing in a battery trickle charger to keep your car battery in top condition during the summer heat, if the car isn’t being used regularly.  Also, topping up your car’s coolant regularly is crucial to prevent overheating.

By incorporating these summer car accessories into your routine, you can ensure a cool, comfortable, and enjoyable driving experience all season long. So, stock up on these essentials and hit the road with confidence!

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