2024 Peking To Paris Motor Challenge Concludes: Here Are The Results & Highlights

The prestigious Peking to Paris Motor Challenge, a 37-day odyssey for vintage and classic cars, culminated in Paris on Sunday. This year’s edition, the eighth overall and the seventh since its revival saw courageous competitors navigate a demanding 14,500-kilometer route from Beijing, China, to the City of Lights.

Winner’s Circle

The fight for the coveted overall victory was a nail-biting affair. Early leaders Andy Buchan and Mike Sinclair (Scotland) in their 1928 Bentley 4 ½ Le Mans faced a strong challenge from debutants Richard Walker and Faith Douglas in their nimble Chevrolet Master Deluxe Coupe. 

peking to paris motor challenge 2024 results highlights

The lead exchanged hands throughout the race, with a navigational error proving costly for the Chevy midway through. Despite regaining the top spot, the number 37 Chevrolet suffered a cruel twist of fate – alternator failure just three days from the finish line. Their valiant repair attempt wasn’t enough, handing the victory back to Buchan and Sinclair.

Andy Buchan, said, “Absolutely elated, it is fantastic. When we set off, first in class was the target, but then it became apparent that things could be in reach. We had our battle with Richard and Faith, and it was a cruel rally for them, but we had to take our opportunity.” 

Mike Sinclair, said, “A lot of work has gone into getting us ready for this, but we would never have expected this. We just kept going day by day, looking after the car and here we are on the top step of the podium, we are absolutely delighted.”

Classic Category

The Classic Category saw Matt Bryson secure his fourth Peking to Paris victory, a remarkable feat achieved alongside navigator Mike Pink in a Leyland P76. This win held a special significance for Bryson, as his previous three triumphs were shared with the late Gerry Crown.

peking to paris motor challenge 2024 results highlights

The battle for Classic Category supremacy was fierce. Initially, a Porsche 911 Safari driven by Lars and Annette Rolner dominated the competition in China and Kazakhstan. 

However, a navigational error on the first day in Azerbaijan cost them the lead. While the Rolner pair fought back to secure second place, Bryson and Pink held onto their advantage, steadily increasing their lead all the way to Paris.

Endurance Racing 

The Peking to Paris Motor Challenge is a unique test of human and mechanical resilience. It’s not just about speed; it’s about strategy, teamwork, and the ability to navigate through diverse and often challenging terrain. The 2024 edition solidified this legacy, providing a thrilling spectacle of classic cars and the unwavering spirit of their crews.

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