7 tips when buying a new car in UAE
Before you rush out there, we’ve got a few tips for you to bear in mind.
2 Years Unlimited mileage Warranty @Official Dealer
2025 Mercedes-Benz C200 “BABY S CLASS” GCC
Brand: Mercedes Benz
Category: C Class
Model: C200
Year: 2025
Kilometers: 0 Km
Doors: 4 Doors
Color: Obsidian Black
Cylinder: 4 Cylinders
Horsepower: 201 HP
Transmission: Automatic
Fuel: Gasoline
Head-Up Display
Adaptive Cruise Control
360-Degree Camera
Panoramic Sunroof
Ambient Light
Heated Seats
Keyless Entry
Blind Spot
Automatic Trunk With Foot Sensor
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Speed Limiter
Stop/Start Dual Battery System
Logo Projection Via Mirror
Wireless Charger
Apple CarPlay
Android Auto
R 19”
2025 Mercedes-Benz C200 “BABY S CLASS” GCC
Без пробега
Бренд: Mercedes Benz
Категория: C Class
Модель: C200
Год: 2025
Километров: 0 Km
Двери: 4 Doors
Цвет: Черный
Цилиндр: 4
Лошадиные силы: 201 HP
Трансмиссия: Автоматическая
Топливо: Бензин
Проекция на лобовое стекло
Подогрев Сидений
Регулируемые Сиденья с Памятью Позиций
Система Мониторинга Слепых Зон
Бесключевой Доступ
Регулировка Режимов Вождения
Подрулевые Лепестки
Система Экстренного Торможения
Беспроводная Зарядка
Ограничитель Скорости
Камера 360 Градусов
Панорамная Крыша
Контурная Подсветка Салона
Датчик Давления в Шинах
Система «Старт-Стоп»
Сенсор Открытия Багажника Ногой
Apple CarPlay + Android Auto
We Speak English
I نتكلم اللغة العربية I
Мы говорим по-русски
Ми розмовляємо українською
Wir sprechen Deutsch
हम हिंदी बोलते हैं
Please note the prices, as well as specs, are subject to change without prior notice & to be confirmed at the time of actual purchase.
Timings (24h format): Open now
Monday: | 8-23 , - |
Tuesday: | 8-23 , - |
Wednesday: | 8-23 , - |
Thursday: | 8-23 , - |
Friday: | 8-23 , - |
Saturday: | 8-23 , - |
Sunday: | 8-23 , - |
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Discover the true market value of this car—absolutely free!
Explore more than 30,000 new & used cars for sale in uae from over 350 trusted dealerships.
Before you rush out there, we’ve got a few tips for you to bear in mind.
Without a test certificate, a vehicle can’t be purchased or sold.
Buying cars from the UAE is easier and safer than ever with ExportSafe by Dubicars.com
Learn how to transfer vehicle ownership, including where to go and what documents you’ll need.
Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to register your vehicle and how to get a number plate for your Dubai car.
Accident history is very important when buying a car in the UAE. It gives you clarity over the history of the vehicle.
Better insights, better matches, quicker sales!